Our delivery fee is $16.50 for the following zip codes; 97015, 97086, 97266, 97086, 97266.
Some of the hospitals, churches, cemeteries, and funeral homes we deliver to in this area: Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente Dental at Johnson Creek, Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery and Funeral Home, Sunnyside Little Chapel of the Chimes and Memorial Garden, Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery, Willamette National Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial Park and Funeral Home.
We do weddings in the Clackamas and Happy Valley area! We provide beautiful wedding flowers and deliver to local venues including; The Aerie at Eagles Landing, Carver Event Center, East Fork Country Estate, Ainsworth House and Gardens, and The Abernethy Center. To inquire, please head over to our wedding section and fill out our wedding questionnaire.